SoGive's planned relaunch
SoGive has always been a data-driven donations platform. For some years, we have been gathering data to let people see how much impact their donations are achieving.
This information could also be used to help people decide where to donate. Up until now, we have not taken that analytical leap ourselves -- SoGive has not historically provided donors with ratings on charities.
That's about to change.
We are currently going through as many charities as possible and assigning them a rating of Gold, Silver or Bronze.
Our aim is to have as many charities as possible covered, large big-name charities and some smaller, lesser-known ones too.
- Our analytical method will be the SoGive two-question method, which is set out here.
- In order to reach conclusions, we need (a) data and (b) values judgements. To make those judgements, we will perform a large study to ensure that our judgements are research-backed
In most cases we will be relying on information in the public domain, so at times the rating we will apply will be "More information needed".
If you want to help, there are plenty of volunteering opportunities, doing all sorts from charity analysis to UX design. Get in touch to find out more!